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Ask the Experts - Reference and Definitions
What is the Discrete Fourier Transform?
What are quantum numbers? And how many are there?
Would a newspaper bleaching in the sun be a physical or chemical change?
What is plasma?
Can you give me an example within a cartoon or a movie where the laws of physics are inaccurately displayed.
Who was the Nobel Prize-winning American Physicist that is credited with determining the charge on the electron through his oil drop experiment?
Where can i find einstein's original papers on the internet?
How does the atomic clock change to daylight savings does stop and than catch up or does it go forward?
How did the Atom obtain it's name?
How can you differentiate an element from a compound?
What is the difference between paramagnetism and ferromagnetism?
What is nanotechnology and why is it such a buzz in the computer industry?
What is the difference between atomic physics and nuclear physics?
How many miles does the Earth travel in space each day?
How is the measurement Watts related to temperature in terms of energy?
How can one prove that the world is round?
Is there such a thing as a 3d fractal?
What are the differences between jet airplanes and rockets?
What are Eigen Values?
What is Boyle's law?
What time is it when standing on the North Pole?
What is a light-year and how long is 1 light-year?
How many astronomical units are in a light year?
What is it aliasing? When it occurs?
What is the hardest rock and what is its compressive strength (PSI)?
What is a tensor and can any examples of their use be given?
What are fractals?
Why isn't radar used underwater instead of sonar if radio waves are faster than sound waves?
What's the Pauli-exclusion Principle?
What is the chaos theory?
How do you prove a number, like e or pi, to be transcendental?
How much heat per hour do humans dissipate?
What is the volume of Earth?
I have a clear plastic ball with some electronics inside. When bounced, LEDs flash on and off. I suspect that it contains a piezoelectric crystal and I would love to know how it operates.
Who invented the transistor?
Who is the inventor of television?
What is the Mobius Strip?
How do sea navigators measure their ships speed?
How many oscillations does a caesium atomic clock make in a day?
What is the zeta function?
How long does it take for a radio signal to go from Earth to Mars?
What is a fuel-cell and how does it work?
What is the origin of the fact that a circle has 360 degrees? Why not 720 or 270?
What is correct: To mention temperature in deg K (°K) or in just K?
How many known elements are there now?
What is heavy water?
What is the difference between NMR, MRI and ESR?
Other than the U.S., what other country still uses the old English System of Units?
What exactly is a dBm and how would you measure it?
What are Free Radicals?
How did planet Neptune get its name?
Approximately how many atoms are in a grain of salt?
Adding carbon to steel makes it harder and stronger. Is this true for all metals? Could you add carbon to titanium or vanadium to make them even harder and stronger?
I have noticed that many Einstein quotes mention his belief in 'truth and beauty' - I was wondering, is it purely coincidental that two of the six quarks are also named truth and beauty?
What is the difference between nuclear fusion and cold fusion?
What is the Schrodinger equation, and how is it used?
What is the easiest way to calculate the earth's athmoshpere's weight?
What is the difference between atomic and nuclear physics?
What is temperature? Is temperature a measure of the vibrations of matter? If so isn't it related to kinetic energy and therefore not a base quantity?
What would you consider to be the 5 or 10 most important/fundamental questions physicists are trying to answer currently?
Where is mercury found in the world?
What is the wavelength of UVa, UVb, and UVc light measured in nanometers, and frequency (in Hz)?
What is the densest thing on Earth?
What is the basic difference between Astrophysics and Astronomy?
What is the Humidex formula used to find subjective temperature as a function of both measured temperature and relative humidity?
What is Planck length? What is Planck time?
What is a simple defintion of the laws of thermodynamics?
If an electron were increased to the size of an apple, how big, proportionately, would a human being be?
How fast would the Earth have to rotate so that it would neutralize gravity?
What are Lambert's Laws?
What is a neutrino?
What force in the universe is the strongest or the most powerful?
What does the term 'strangeness' refer to?
What are Feynman diagrams? Could you give good bibliography about QED?
Is there a formula to calculate the triple point of a substance?
What is the difference between a physical change and a chemical change?
If nothing sticks to Teflon, how does it stick to the pan?
What is the speed of light in parsecs per year? What is a parsec?
What is the Astronomical Unit?
What is dry ice & Why does it steam when wet?
Where can I find information on the average temperature of a cutting torch when it is used to cut steel?
If I know the diameter of a balloon can I find it's volume?
Which is the lowest temperature known in nature (not in laboratory)?
How is the 'STERADIAN' defined and how is it used?
What is a tensor?
What are the frequencies of musical notes like G and G(cardinal) in k-hertz?
I have found a photo of a famous scientist by the last name of Cronin. For what was he famous?
What famous physicist was asked to become president of Israel?
Where can I get a list of friction coefficients for different materials?
What is the formula to find the absorption coefficients of materials?
Is it true that in the late 1800's they took away or added 11 days to the calendar that didn't exist?
What is the definition of horsepower?
How can I more easily visualize what a horse-power means?
How is the exact value of pi determined?
Everybody knows e=mc
But what are the units?
What speed defines Mach 1? and why?
What is the temperature at which Farenheit and Celsius thermometer readings are equal?
How many atoms thick is aluminum foil?
How long does it take the sun's light to reach earth?
Who discovered the proton? And how was it discoverd?
What exactly is an ELECTRON VOLT as opposed to a VOLT?
What is the fine-structure constant?
What are Newton's three laws?
If, indeed, the speed of light is constant,why is it usually listed for a vacuum?
How was the speed of light determined and who found it, when? How close was the estimate of 186,000 mps to the 'actual' speed of light?
How big is an atom of gold?
Could you tell me a technical name for sugar?
When you said E=mc
,what does the c stand for?
What are the wavelengths of the basic colors (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet) in the color spectrum?
'One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike - and yet it is the most precious thing we have.'
Albert Einstein
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