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Ask the Experts - Sound
Could you please explain the general theory behind the sound that is produced when water falls on a hot surface?
How do you find an objects resonant frequency?
Shortening a guitar string to one-third its initial length will change its natural frequency by what factor?
I was told that lower frequency sound waves (like from a bass guitar) travel lower to the ground that higher frequencies. Is this true?
Is it true that a duck's quack doesn't echo? If so, why?
What is the physics involved with breaking glass with your voice?
What is Huygen's Principle?
There are two persons in a plane which is traveling at a speed greater than the speed of sound. If one of them talks, will the other hear it?
When you rub your finger along the rim of a glass, it resonates, why is this? Also, why does the pitch of this sound get lower when you add water to the glass?
Why do Foghorns always have very low pitches? Do they have high or low amplitude?
Can sounds actually break glass? If so, is there a special frequency or decibel level needed?
What are the frequencies of musical notes like G and G(cardinal) in k-hertz?
Suppose 2 sinusoidal waves undergo totally destructive interference. This results in wave with zero amplitude (and hence zero intensity). What happens to the energy associated with wave (1) and wave (2)?
Why do you hear a glugging sound when you pour a liquid out of a bottle by holding it upside down?
Why does a piece of chalk produce a squeal if you hold it incorrectly. Wwhat determines the pitch you hear?
If you have a very long and rigid pole and have an observer on each end, if one of them pushes the pole how soon will the other one feel it?
Why X-rays and Gamma-rays are different in nature, though both are of eletromagnetic origin?
What is a sonic boom and how is it produced?
What is the physics behind the voice change which occurs when one inhales Helium?
How do you determine the distance of lightening from where you are standing using the sight of lightening and the sound of the thunder?
Is it true that radio waves travel faster than X-rays?
Why does a Fire truck siren change pitch when it passes us?
Why does sound travel faster in solids than in liquids, and faster in liquids than in gases (air)?
'Imagination disposes of everything; it creates beauty, justice, and happiness, which is everything in this world.'
Blaise Pascal
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