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Ask the Experts - Electricity and Magnetism
Is there any experimental proof that an electromagnetic wave has momentum?
Why is it dangerous for a person to stand near a very highly charged object?
Would it be easier to remove an electron from second level or the third level? Why?
Is a drop of water from a dropper equal in volume to a drop of mercury from the same dropper?
In a series circuit with two or more bulbs, which bulb lights first when the circuit is closed?
How does a Crookes Radiometer work?
What is the physical explanation of the fact, that the electric field is zero inside a conductor?
Vacuum is a dielectric. Where does the impedance to charge flow come from?
Is it possible that my computer crashes because of the cosmic radiation?
If the Sun is supposed to be producing white light, why does the sun appear yellow to the eye instead of white?
If the sun gives off UV rays, does a flame give off a small amount of UV rays as well? Or does the sun give off UV rays because it burns a certain element or chemical compound?
If nothing can come out of the black hole, how come the x-rays can be emitted?
What is plasma?
I have read that gravity waves travel at the speed of light; does this mean that gravity waves are a part of the electromagnetic spectrum?
Who was the Nobel Prize-winning American Physicist that is credited with determining the charge on the electron through his oil drop experiment?
Is it possible to have a hollow sphere with a continuous north pole on the outside and a continuous south pole on the inside?
What is the Zeeman effect?
If I carve out a perfect sphere out of a bar magnet, how will it choose a north and a south pole?
How long did radio commands take to travel from the Earth to Voyager as it passed Neptune?
What is the difference between paramagnetism and ferromagnetism?
Why can't we put our hands through a table? (Does it have to do with density and/or matter?)
Is it possible to exploit the magnetic field of Earth to obtain electricity?
What is an Eddy Current?
What causes different colors in flames?
How is a plane protected from Lightning strikes?
What is FET?
How do quartz watches work?
I heard that the speed of light is the same to any observer, no matter how fast he moves, and that the faster you move, speed of light is still the same relative to you. Is this true, and why?
What is nanotechnology and why is it such a buzz in the computer industry?
My son is taking complex numbers in high school, and he is asking 'What are these good for?' I know they are used in electromagnetic calculations, but how?
Is stainless steel magnetic? Does it depend on the amount of chromium, or nickel alloy?
What is the electric field due to an infinite sheet of charge?
What are some examples of cohesion and adhesion?
What is a quantum well?
What are eddy currents and how do eddy current brakes work?
How does a hydraulic jack work?
What is meant by background radiation?
If a spacecraft was fitted with a laser would the photons emitted push the craft upwards as in the solar sail or beamed energy propulsion concepts?
Why is it that a magnet distorts the image from a television or computer monitor (even though photons are uncharged)?
What is the difference between resistance and impedance?
How can a potato be used to light a lightbulb?
Is there any material that can block a magnetic force? Specifically does lead block magnetic fields?
Is it possible to slow light down?
What happens to the charged particles which came from the sun after they hit the atmosphere of the earth?
Why is liquid oxygen magnetic?
What is the magnetocaloric effect and what materials exhibit this effect the most?
Can a laser be used as an electrical conductor between two points that are not in physical contact? If so, is there a distance limitation?
Do magnets ever lose their magnetism?
What is Huygen's Principle?
What is a short circuit?
Do wires degenerate when electric current is passed through them? I mean, do they lose matter after continued use?
If nothing can travel faster then the speed of light, how does one explain Cerenkov Radiation?
How does a solar cell work? Is it possible to create one using simple lab apparatus?
Has the speed of propagation of a magnetic force field been measured? If so what is it?
How is the frequency of a photon/light measured? How long does such a measurement take?
How can the electric potential in the exact center of two equal but opposite charges be zero, but the electric field be non zero?
Why is that electrons radiate electromagnetic energy when they are accelerated?
Is there a relationship between electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity?
How does a transistor work?
How does a transformer work?
I have a clear plastic ball with some electronics inside. When bounced, LEDs flash on and off. I suspect that it contains a piezoelectric crystal and I would love to know how it operates.
Who invented the transistor?
If lightning strikes an airborne aircraft, are the occupants affected? Why or why not?
Who is the inventor of television?
What is an electronic ark?
Is there a definite end to the electromagnetic spectrum?
How fast (ie: clockspeed in Hz) can a single processor in a computer be? The highest I've read is 4 GHz. What's the limit?
Which is most likely to burn you? Microwaves, gamma rays or x rays?
Can a dummy load be switched on to overload the outside power lines, raise their temperature and melt the accumulated ice away?
I know for a fact that a moving charge can produce a magnetic field. But I'm curious if a moving magnetic field produce a charge?
How do microwave ovens work and are they harmful in any way?
If you have a magnet inside a box made of a superconducting material (in its superconducting state), would there be any magnetic field around the exterior?
What is a fuel-cell and how does it work?
What happens at the ends of the electromagnetic spectrum? Do the wavelengths continue to get shorter and longer or is there some ultimate limit?
Since magnetic forces can do no work, what force IS doing the work when a bar magnet causes a paper clip to jump off a table and stick to the magnet?
What are Free Radicals?
How electric guitar pick-ups work?
What makes a paper clip float?
How can I make an electrical battery at home?
How was the mass of a proton determined?
If you shoot a laser into a thunderstorm will the beam act as a lightning rod due to the ionization of the air by the laser beam?
We talk of positively and negatively charged particles. But what actually is a charge, what is the property of charge caused by?
Since oppositely charged particles attract, and gravity is a phenomenon common to all particles, how come the electron is not 'sucked' into the nucleus?
Why the lines of force in an electric field start at the +ve charge and terminate at the -ve charge?
What is a delocalized electron?
What causes the high-frequency, ascending-pitch sound coming from a camera's flash unit when charging.
Where does the constant humming sound come from in transformers?
When high velocity particles travel faster than the speed of light in a medium they create a blue flash. This is called Cerenkov Radiation, why does this happen and why is it blue?
Why is there resistance in wires, and when you vary things like the length of the wire, why does the resistance change?
Why does light slow down when entering a prism but speed up when it exits? Where does it get the energy to increase it's velocity?
I run a projection booth at a local cinema. My machines run on DC current and the static electricity generated is wreaking havoc with the polyester base prints.How can I eliminate the static electricity from my booth?
Why isn't the electron considered a black hole? It does have mass and its radius is infinitely small, isn't it?
What is the difference between cathode rays and beta rays since both are basically electrons?
What causes interference in reception in car radios?
How does a Faraday Cage work? or, Why can a satellite dish have holes in it?
If gamma rays can travel through walls, and radio waves can travel through walls, and they are on opposite ends of the electromagnetic spectrum, then why can't light travel through walls which is right in the middle of the spectrum?
Would the current of a circuit consisting of a power source and a resistor affect the rate at which the resistor can heat water? If so, why?
How is aurora borealis created and why does it occur at the north and south pole?
As scientists approach absolute zero, the speed at which an electrical current travels increases tremendously, correct? If so, would it be possible to say that our computers would work a little faster if they were in a freezer?
Where does lightening come from, clouds, ground or both?
How come a drop of water can stay hanging from the ceiling without falling immediately on the floor? How does it stick to the ceiling surface?
Is it possible to find the radius of an electron?
What is the difference between fire and electricity? What is the role of electricity in combustion? Why is electricity prone to cause fires?
When an electron tunnels from one place to another, does in happen instantaneously, or does it require a finite amount of time? Can things other than electrons tunnel?
Can lightening travel through matter (specifically a canvas awning supported by aluminum poles) and strike the children sitting beneath on wooden tables supported by a concrete slab? If so, how do you calculate a safe distance from the lightening that is visible?
How fast do electrons travel when moving as an electrical current through copper wire?
Why is it that birds are able to stand/sit on electrical power lines whereas if we were to try this, we would be electrocuted?
What exactly is an ELECTRON VOLT as opposed to a VOLT?
Is the geographic NORTH pole of the earth a magnetic NORTH pole? Once you have reached the north pole of the earth, what happens to your compass? Which way would it be pointing?
What will hold a greater amount of charge, a hollow metal sphere or a solid metal sphere?
Is it true that radio waves travel faster than X-rays?
What is the Photoelectric Effect?
Why does a high frquency pass through a capacitor and a low frequency doesen't?
How are all magnetic fields produced? Where are the moving charges in the iron atoms of a magnet?
Where do electrons get the energy to travel at such high speeds?
'One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike - and yet it is the most precious thing we have.'
Albert Einstein
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