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Ask the Experts - Atomic and Nuclear Physics
How come the protons in the nucleus of an atom do not spin around like the electrons do?
Since antimatter is created when two matter particles are slammed together at high velocities, could the vice versa work and create matter?
Why is heavy water poisonous?
Why is it dangerous for a person to stand near a very highly charged object?
Foods can be sterlised by passing gamma radiation through it. Why is it still safe to eat? Won't it become radioactive?
How did the Atom obtain it's name?
What is the quantum theory of gravity?
Is it possible for electrons to quantum tunnel through charged aluminum foil?
Is there any practical proof of time dialation on atomic particles?
If we have not yet discovered a method of seperating quarks from each other in protons and neutrons, how did scientists discover that protons and neutrons were composed of quarks?
Have gluons actually been detected, and if they have, how?
How does a laser cool something, as in producing a Bose-Einstein condensate?
What is it about lead that makes it useful in radiation shielding?
What is depleted plutonium and how radioactive is it?
How are the protons and neutrons held together in a nucleus?
Which is larger - a quark or an electron?
Is there a conversion factor between the radiation units Curie and Roentgen?
What is the difference between atomic physics and nuclear physics?
Why does the nuclear fusion reaction yield more energy than the nuclear fission reaction?
In numerous photos and films of nuclear explosions, there appear to be vertical streamers along side the fire ball/mushroom cloud. What are they?
What are the fundamental particles that make up a nucleus?
Is there any gravitational force between two photons?
How is carbon dating done?
How many oscillations does a caesium atomic clock make in a day?
Why are there usually more neutrons than protons in a heavy element? Has Pauli's exclusions principle got anything to do with it?
What kind of forces hold the protons and neutrons together in the nucleus?
What is the difference between NMR, MRI and ESR?
What is the difference between nuclear fusion and cold fusion?
What is the difference between atomic and nuclear physics?
What is the amount of energy given off when an electron and a positron anhilalate?
How was the mass of a proton determined?
I have heard that humans have a wavelength. Is this true?
What is a Higgs Particle?
What is the densest thing on Earth?
How does an atomic clock work?
What is a neutrino?
How many smoke detectors would it require to pose a definite health hazard in an average 3 bedroom home of approximately 2000 sq.ft. and under what conditions? (These being equipped with Americium 241)
What force in the universe is the strongest or the most powerful?
What does the term 'strangeness' refer to?
We talk of positively and negatively charged particles. But what actually is a charge, what is the property of charge caused by?
Since oppositely charged particles attract, and gravity is a phenomenon common to all particles, how come the electron is not 'sucked' into the nucleus?
What are Feynman diagrams? Could you give good bibliography about QED?
When matter is dragged into a black hole, where does it go or what happens to it?
Is time quantized?
What is cosmic radiation? Is it dangerous?
What is singularity and why do all laws of physics break down at singularity?
I heard that 'bosons' are particles made from a quark and an anti-quark. Is this true? If it is, then how come they do not to annihilate each other?
Is there any way to see ultra violet light, or make it?
On the atomic level, there is some free space between the electrons and nucleus of atoms (and between the protons and neutrons in the nucleus itself). What 'material' fills these spaces? Dark matter?
When high velocity particles travel faster than the speed of light in a medium they create a blue flash. This is called Cerenkov Radiation, why does this happen and why is it blue?
I heard from a friend recently that a new 'type' of matter has been detected at CERN: neutralinos. Is that true?
What is the difference between cathode rays and beta rays since both are basically electrons?
What is the significance of the number 137 in physics?
My science data book says that the mass of a photon is zero. But how can photon exert radiation pressure, as it occurs in the sun?
If gamma rays can travel through walls, and radio waves can travel through walls, and they are on opposite ends of the electromagnetic spectrum, then why can't light travel through walls which is right in the middle of the spectrum?
What is rest mass? How to explain it especially to the high school students?
Why is there no colour spectrum at the sub-atomic level? Or is there?
In a matter-antimatter reaction, is all the material converted into energy? If not, what is the efficiency of the reaction?
I have found a photo of a famous scientist by the last name of Cronin. For what was he famous?
What is the string theory? Who came up with it / discovered it?
What is a quark?
Since there are such things as anti-electrons and anti-protons, is there such a thing as an anti-neutron?
Regarding natural units, how can h=c=1, and why is this simplification used?
Is it possible to find the radius of an electron?
Are the electrons spinning around the nucleus of an atom travelling faster than the speed of sound?
What are the number of neutrons in each of elements?
I am renting a storage space and found out the the space next to mine is storing 10 millicuries of cesium and 50 millicuries of americium. Is there any risks associated with articles that are stored near these elements?
Since the sun is one giant ball of gas, what force holds its consistent shape and size? Why doesn't it expand and burn up quickly?
Why X-rays and Gamma-rays are different in nature, though both are of eletromagnetic origin?
Who discovered the proton? And how was it discoverd?
What exactly is an ELECTRON VOLT as opposed to a VOLT?
Is it possible to create an object that is composed of antimatter only?
What is the fine-structure constant?
I was wondering why radioactive elements have a mutation effect on living things, how does this happen to both fully grown adults and unborn children?
How big is an atom of gold?
Where do electrons get the energy to travel at such high speeds?
When you said E=mc
,what does the c stand for?
'The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. Never lose a holy curiosity.'
Albert Einstein
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