Why the planets are not twinkling, while the stars are?
Asked by: Izrailsky Yuri
Since stars are so distant, they subtend a minute angle of the total visual field despite
their enormous diameter. In other words, they approximate point sources of light. As this
light travels through the atmosphere, it passes through areas of lower and higher density,
and therefore lower and higher indices of refraction. These areas act as virtual lenses,
refracting light and concentrating first greater amounts, and then lesser amounts of total
radiant energy on any one point on the surface of the Earth. This is the source of the
'twinkling' of stars - i.e. the fluctuation of intensity.
Planets are much closer to the Earth and therefore subtend a larger angle within the total
visual field. That is why we often speak of the planetary 'disk' in astronomy: even under
slight magnification (e.g. through binoculars) the human eye interprets a planet as a 2
dimensional source of light and not a point source.
Most peoples' visual acuity is not sufficient to notice the discrepancy between the angle
subtended by a star and that subtended by a planet. However when the planet's light is
refracted through the atmospheric 'lenses' the spread of light from the disk is sufficient
to blur the focused area and therefore prevent the light reaching the eye from ever dipping
to as low a level as it does from a point source. In other words, the darkest parts of the
twinkle cycle from one part of the disk may be overlapped by focused light from other
regions of the disk, keeping the light intensity closer to some mean value and reducing
fluctuation. In short, no twinkle!
Answered by: Rob Landolfi, Science Teacher, Washington, DC
'There comes a time when the mind takes a higher plane of knowledge but can never prove how it got there. All great discoveries have involved such a leap. The important thing is not to stop questioning.'