What is the difference between a physical change and a chemical change?
Asked by: Tim Meyer
There are two possible definitions for Physical and Chemical changes which I use in school:
1. A physical change is reversible, a chemical change is not. For example, the freezing of
water would be a physical change because it can be reversed, whereas the burning of wood is
a chemical change - you can't 'unburn' it
2. A physical change is a change in which no new substance is formed; a chemical change
results in the formation of one or more new substances. Again, consider the previous
examples: Freezing water into ice just results in water molecules which are 'stuck'
together - it's still H2O. Whereas burning wood results in ash, carbon dioxide, etc, all
new substances which weren't there when you started.
Answered by: Michael Treacy, M.S., Physics Teacher, Ireland
This is a good question! One would think that a change is a change is a change so why
would there be a distinction between a physical change and a chemical change?
Well, there is a big difference! If you change something physically you still have what
you started with. For example, if you tear a piece of paper you still have paper. If you
change something chemically you end up with something very different than what you started
with. For example if you burn a piece of paper you end up with carbon and no more paper.
But, these are obvious examples. Is it always that simple? What if you put sugar into
water? Is that a physical or a chemical change? How about if you freeze water? Is that
physical or chemical? For these examples we have to examine what it would take to get the
original substances back after wo have made the change. With the sugar and the water we
could evaporate the water and find that the sugar is left and there is no change, except in
how it looks. It is still sweet and it can be remixed in water. The frozen water can be
melted and we have the same water we started with.
If we take that same sugar and water and mix it with flour and eggs and vanilla and
chocolate chips and cook it we will have performed a chemical change making cookies. No
matter what you do to the cookies you will never get the sugar and the water out of them as
So, in summary, there are really only two criteria for whether a change is chemical or
physical: 1) After the change does it look the same and 2) can you change it back? If the
answer is yes, the change is physical every time. If the answer is no the change is
chemical every time.
Answered by: Tom Young, B.S., Science Teacher, Whitehouse HS
'In a way science is a key to the gates of heaven, and the same key opens the gates of hell, and we do not have any instructions as to which is which gate.
Shall we throw away the key and never have a way to enter the gates of heaven? Or shall we struggle with the problem of which is the best way to use the key?'