Physics and Astronomy Online

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ScienceIQ Facts

Physics & Astronomy Facts

Venice as photographed by crew members aboard Space Station Alpha.
Astronaut Photography

Astronauts are trained in scientific observation of ecological, geological, geographic, oceanographic, environmental, and meteorological phenomena. They are also instructed in the use of photographic ...
An artist
Not Quite A Planet

Astronomers have dubbed it 'Quaoar' (pronounced kwa-whar) after a Native American god. It lies a billion kilometers beyond Pluto and moves around the Sun every 288 years in a near-perfect circle. Unti ...
Constellation Sagittarius.
Introduction to Constellations

'Constellation' is the name we give to seeming patterns of starsin the night sky. 'Stella' is the Latin word for star and a constellation is a grouping of stars. In general, the stars in these groups ...

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